It is clear to most of us that we live on a planet with finite resources. Although we all live within a strange paradox which assumes modern day economies can grow endlessly with an insatiable appetite for material resources. Currently we are showing few signs of decoupling economic growth from resource use; unless this decoupling begins now, and quickly, economic growth will push the planet beyond its capacity to sustain us.
Now there’s a cheery Christmas thought for you all!
It is not all doom and gloom though, there are encouraging indications that the tide is turning, perhaps too slowly, but turning nonetheless. Governments, businesses and consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental consequences and cost of our current economic model.
This is leading to all sorts of innovation and creativity being used to improve the way we do business and grow our economies sustainably. For example, the recent boom in renewable energy (renewables provided nearly 30% of UK’s power between April and June 2017) or the transition that many businesses are making to circular business models (Accenture research indicates that the circular economy could bring $4.5tn in benefits by 2030).
Making these necessary changes can be a daunting prospect for businesses and is often perceived to cost a lot of money. At Track Record Global (TRG) we provide our customers with the practical support to realise and implement sustainable supply chain strategies. This in turn saves money and helps deliver safer, more sustainable products quickly.
It can be all too easy to focus on the negative impacts of our lives and the economies that support them, but this doesn’t help much in terms of solving the challenges we face (it’s also not at all in keeping with the festive spirit)! At TRG we like to look at things positively and work with our customers to help innovate and implement the changes needed to ensure businesses remain competitive and successful into the future.
~ Max Hargreaves (TRG Account Manager)